Essential dog flea treatment
Did you know that flea eggs, pupae and larvae can all live in your dog’s environment and you wouldn’t know they’re there? Once they find the perfect host in your dog however, they’ll reproduce fast. And it can take months to get rid of an infestation.
At Protect My Pet, we offer two fast-acting and highly effective dog flea treatments that stop fleas from reproducing. Regular use of Frontline Plus and Advantage means that any flea that finds your dog, will die before it lays eggs – breaking its lifecycle.
Why treat regularly? Frontline Plus and Advantage for dogs will keep working for up to four to six weeks. So to keep your dog protected long term, you need to treat them regularly. Subscribe to our service now to protect your dog from fleas, for good.
Want to know more about dog fleas and dog flea treatment? Read our FAQs below.